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New Zealand
This is the first photography challenge I have ever done. It is such a great idea. I purchased a new camera in the Boxing Day sales and this is the perfect opportunity to learn how to use it. I have been lucky over the last years to manage to get some amazing photos, but I am hoping that with a bit of motivation and some focus I might end up with some stunning ones this year as a result of this project.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Photo 23 - Zoo

The cage epitomises why so many people dislike zoos.  Also this guy looks kind of sad at being stuck behind bars.


  1. Agreed....the batter ones dont have cages now...but larger enclosures with more natural surrounds

  2. Poor guy . . . he may be plotting his escape.

  3. Couldn't agree more......thankfully most of the zoos in our area have made the transition years ago.

  4. That is sad! Nice way of showing it!
